Why people should subscribe to Health Policy Insight (by those who have)

Hello again to the members of the HPI non-subscribing registered user community.
By now, I think you'll have got the fact that I'm not putting new free content on here.
You've heard from me a few times about what I think are the reasons to subscribe, so I thought you might find it useful to hear from some of the subscribers to Health Policy Insight about why they've done so.
There are no better advocates than these people.
Nick Timmins
Author, ‘The Five Giants: A Biography Of The Welfare State’; ‘Never Again? The Story Of The 2012 Health And Social Care Act’; ‘Glaziers And Windowbreakers: Former Health Secretaries In Their Own Words’; ‘The World’s Biggest QUANGO: The First Five Years Of NHS England’
Senior fellow, Institute for Government & Kings Fund; senior associate, Nuffield Trust
Former Financial Times public policy editor.
“As, just possibly, the longest-standing subscriber to Health Policy Insight, it has always been invaluable, insightful, funny and excellent value for money. Highly recommended. Go subscribe!”
Dr Phil Hammond
Author and comedian
'MD' columnist for Private Eye; a book of which pandemic columns is now out.
“I have subscribed to @HPIAndyCowper and his Health Policy Insight, because of his wise, detailed and accurate take on the NHS. (In going for the cheaper year-long subscription, I have gambled on Andrew living at least another 12 months. Please do.)”
Sir David Nicholson
Chair, Worcestershire Royal Hospital NHS Trust
Former chief executive, NHS Commissioining Board (now NHS England)
“As an NHS chair, how could I do my job without subscribing to HPI? I’ve subscribed for 12 months, on the basis the NHS will not be privatised this year.”
Helen Buckingham
Director of strategy and operations, Nuffield Trust
Chair, National Voices
"@HPIAndyCowper is a one-man, slightly sweary, very independent thinktank. Sadly for him, unlike other independent thinktanks, he doesn't have a large endowment to keep him going. Follow the thread, and take appropriate action (subscribe!)"
Ben Page
CEO of Ipsos MORI
“For irreverent NHS commentary by @HPIAndyCowper, worth subscribing to this.”
Dame Gill Morgan
Chair, One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System
Former chair, NHS Providers
Former permanent secretary, Welsh Asdsembly Government
Former chief executive, NHS Confederation
“I have subscribed - we need Andy’s analysis, wit and wisdom”
Dr Axel Heitmueller
Managing director, Imperial College Health Partners
Director of Discover-NOW, Health Dara Research UK
“It’s the crack cocaine of health policy, don’t feel bad for giving in to keep @HPIAndyCowper writing. I’ve signed up (and signed my soul away) but it’s classified as essential reading - plus no one can resist @HPIAndyCowper.”
Karin Smyth MP
Labour Member of Parliament for Bristol South
Former NHS manager
“Indispensable if you want to really understand what’s occurring NHS/social care-wise”
Dr Stephen Moir
Executive Director of Resources, City of Edinburgh Council
Former Chief People Officer, NHS England
“Great insights as always Andy, why wouldn’t people subscribe!”
Charlotte Augst
Chief executive, National Voices
“Informative and fun. I wish this could be said of all newsletters. Well worth the small subscription.”
Craig Nikolik
Chief operating officer of Together First CIC, Barking & Dagenham's GP Federation
“Thoroughly enjoyed the Monday columns, a must-read for me as they gave an excellent contrasting view to the key healthcare stories of the week. Plus the columns do have a pleasing habit of annoying the right (wrong?) people at the right (wrong?) time.”
“You don't HAVE to subscribe to "Cut", but then you'll never have the satisfaction of going "I knew that" when other places put out exclusives.”
Mike Birtwistle
Director, Incisive Health
“Always funny, usually thought-provoking and very often right. @HPIAndyCowper is essential reading for anyone interested in the politics of health. Do subscribe to his new newsletter.”
Daniel Reynolds
Director of communications, NHS Confederation
“After feeling left out and deprived of insight, I'm pleased to say I've finally subscribed to Health Policy Insight. Having read @HPIAndyCowper 's latest pearls of wisdom, I consider myself up to speed and 'in front', not 'behind'. Why not do the same?”
If they've persuaded you, you can subscribe here.