Cowper's Cut 201: Living in WTF times, redisorganisation and recycling failed ideas
It’s good that the data continues to show reductions in the seven-day case
of hospitalisations with Covid19
Cowper's Cut 200: Elect a clown, get a circus
We’ll get on to this week’s pitiful political pantomime directly, but let’s
treat ourselves to starting ‘Cowper’
Moving the goalposts: the strange case of the fictional privatisation of the NHS
As the Health Bill returns to the Lords, the edifying sight and sound of political idiots and merch-vending grifters crying
Cowper’s Cut 199: Crunch week for ‘The Gamble’
Apparently, the word from the Cabinet Office is that this is the week when it'll
become clear whether
Cowper's Cut 198: 2022's testing times, as infections and acute admissions rise
“I don't think hospitalisations will rise”.
Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen, on Sky News
Cowper's Cut 197: A work meeting with cheese and wine, as Omicron storm clouds gather over London
Collective responsibility and discipline have evidently collapsed in Government
when somebody briefs a Cabinet meeting more or less wholesale to
Cowper’s Cut 196: How much will this hurt?
I came off my mountain bike at quite a speed this past week. While I was briefly
airborne, several four-letter
Cowper’s Cut 195: From omnishambles to Omicron
If you thought that the Government’sHealth Week
last week was A Triumph, the Johnson
Rough transcript of Lord Stevens of Birmingham's maiden House of Lords speech on the Health and Care Bill 7.12.21
The followng is a rough transcript of the maiden Lords speech by Lord Stevens of
Birmingham (the artist formerly known
Cowper’s Cut 194: That was the Government’s ‘Health Week’, that was
Here we go: too little, too late.
New travel restrictions to slow the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid19