Editorial Friday 26 March 2021: From The Sun King to a mere Prince of Wales - NHS 'England' comms boss Simon Enright is off
Simon's off.
No, not that Simon: the other Simon.
The demotion from being director of communications for The
Editorial Thursday 25 March 2021: Weird Government: up-talking Matt and outsourcing accountability for TAT
My latest column for BMJ is here
, and my latest for
Editorial Wednesday 17 March 2021: Hancock's half-witted hopes to re-politicise top NHS appointments
There are only a limited number of new ideas in the world.
There are also only a certain number of
Editorial Tuesday 16 March 2021: The Government's Covid19 blame game - pattern recognition and kitchen sink surrealism
'Kitchen sink realism' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_sink_realism] was
the portmanteau term given to new
Editorial Tuesday 9 March 2021: The separation of Church and State (and Treasury)
My latest HSJ column is here
, and latest bits for BMJ
Editorial Wednesday 10 March 2021: Does Test And Trace work?
On 4 April 2020 the Department for Health But Social Care launched its plan to
provide a major testing service
Editorial Thursday 11 March 2021: Health Minister Nadine Dorries to nurses: their husbands' pay/furlough makes 1% pay offer OK
There is a demarcation issue with this Government. They are trying to put
satirists out of business.
Editorial Monday 22 Feburary 2021: The Cummings defence
People's Partridge
and Secretary Of State For The Time
Editorial Wednesday 17 Feburary 2021: The Hancock paradox
There is a not-good report out today from the self-identified think-tank
I'm not linking to
Editorial Monday 15 February 2021: The Cummings-Back Kid
"Guess who's back - back again?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_nOXbNetVQ]
You can&